Package org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory

Interface Summary
ApplicationServerComponent Interface marking a resource component as a server for web applications (EARs, WARs).
ClassLoaderFacet<T extends ResourceComponent<?>> This allows a discovery component to provide additional jars to placement in a plugin classloader.
CreateChildResourceFacet Components that implement this facet have defined at least one of its child resources is creatable.
DeleteResourceFacet Components that implement this facet are responsible for deleting resources managed by the component.
ManualAddFacet<T extends ResourceComponent<?>> This allows a discovery component to support Resources being manually added.
ResourceComponent<T extends ResourceComponent<?>> The plugin component that wraps a Resource.
ResourceDiscoveryComponent<T extends ResourceComponent<?>> The plugin component that defines how resources are discovered.

Class Summary
CreateResourceReport Value object used between the plugin container and a plugin to carry all data necessary for a create resource operation as well as the resulting status code.
DiscoveredResourceDetails This contains all the details for a resource that was discovered by a ResourceDiscoveryComponent.
ProcessScanResult An individual result from a process scan which includes information on the process that matched and the ProcessScan itself.
ResourceContext<T extends ResourceComponent<?>> The context object that ResourceComponent objects will have access - it will have all the information that the resource components needs during their lifetime.
ResourceDiscoveryContext<T extends ResourceComponent<?>> The context object that ResourceDiscoveryComponent objects will have access to when needing to perform its work.

Enum Summary
PluginContainerDeployment This enum indicates where the plugin container (and therefore the plugins) are deployed.

Exception Summary
InvalidPluginConfigurationException This exception is thrown by plugin resource components when an attempt to connect to a managed resource fails due to an invalid plugin configuration.

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