Interface ManualAddFacet<T extends ResourceComponent<?>>
- Type Parameters:
- the parent resource component type for those resources discovered by this discovery component
public interface ManualAddFacet<T extends ResourceComponent<?>>
This allows a discovery component to support Resources being manually added. A manual add is initiated when a GUI user
goes to the Child Resources section of the Resource's Inventory>Overview tab and chooses to manually add a new child
Resource. The user then specifies the connection properties (i.e. plugin configuration) that should be used to
to connect to the Resource. A request is then sent to the Plugin Container, which calls the discoverResource(org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.Configuration, org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.ResourceDiscoveryContext)
method on the discovery component. The option to manually add a Resource is only exposed by the GUI for Resource
types defined with supportsManualAdd="true" in the plugin descriptor. Manual add is used either to add an offline
managed resource to inventory or to add a managed resource that could not be auto-discovered for some reason.
Note: this facet is to be implemented by ResourceDiscoveryComponent
instances, unlike most other
facets that are implemented by the resource instance components.
- Since:
- 3.0
DiscoveredResourceDetails discoverResource(Configuration pluginConfiguration,
ResourceDiscoveryContext<T> context)
throws InvalidPluginConfigurationException
- Using the specified plugin configuration, creates a DiscoveredResourceDetails object describing a new Resource
to be added to inventory.
- Parameters:
- the plugin configuration that describes how to discover the Resource being manually
- information for the component that it may need for the manual add
- Returns:
- a DiscoveredResourceDetails object describing a new Resource to be added to inventory
- Throws:
- if the specified plugin configuration was somehow invalid
and thus caused a failure to connect to a resource
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