Interface BundleManagerRemote

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface BundleManagerRemote

Remote interface to the manager responsible for creating and managing bundles.

Method Summary
 BundleFile addBundleFile(Subject subject, int bundleVersionId, String name, String version, Architecture architecture, InputStream fileStream)
          Adds a BundleFile to the BundleVersion and implicitly creates the backing PackageVersion.
 BundleFile addBundleFileViaByteArray(Subject subject, int bundleVersionId, String name, String version, Architecture architecture, byte[] fileBytes)
          A convenience method taking a byte array as opposed to a stream for the file bits.
 BundleFile addBundleFileViaPackageVersion(Subject subject, int bundleVersionId, String name, int packageVersionId)
          A convenience method taking an existing PackageVersion as opposed to a stream for the file bits.
 BundleFile addBundleFileViaURL(Subject subject, int bundleVersionId, String name, String version, Architecture architecture, String bundleFileUrl)
          A convenience method taking a URL String whose content will be streamed to the server and used for the file bits.
 BundleDeployment createBundleDeployment(Subject subject, int bundleVersionId, int bundleDestinationId, String description, Configuration configuration)
          Create a new bundle deployment.
 BundleDestination createBundleDestination(Subject subject, int bundleId, String name, String description, String destBaseDirName, String deployDir, Integer groupId)
          Creates a bundle destination that describes a target for the bundle deployments.
 BundleVersion createBundleVersionViaByteArray(Subject subject, byte[] fileBytes)
          Creates a bundle version based on the actual bytes of a Bundle Distribution file.
 BundleVersion createBundleVersionViaFile(Subject subject, File distributionFile)
          Creates a bundle version based on a Bundle Distribution file.
 BundleVersion createBundleVersionViaRecipe(Subject subject, String recipe)
          Creates a bundle version based on single recipe string.
 BundleVersion createBundleVersionViaURL(Subject subject, String distributionFileUrl)
          Creates a bundle version based on a Bundle Distribution file.
 void deleteBundle(Subject subject, int bundleId)
          Remove everything associated with the Bundle with the exception of files laid down by related deployments.
 void deleteBundles(Subject subject, int[] bundleIds)
          Remove everything associated with the Bundles with the exception of files laid down by related deployments.
 void deleteBundleVersion(Subject subject, int bundleVersionId, boolean deleteBundleIfEmpty)
          Remove everything associated with the BundleVersion with the exception of files laid down by related deployments.
 PageList<BundleDeployment> findBundleDeploymentsByCriteria(Subject subject, BundleDeploymentCriteria criteria)
 PageList<BundleDestination> findBundleDestinationsByCriteria(Subject subject, BundleDestinationCriteria criteria)
 PageList<BundleFile> findBundleFilesByCriteria(Subject subject, BundleFileCriteria criteria)
 PageList<BundleResourceDeployment> findBundleResourceDeploymentsByCriteria(Subject subject, BundleResourceDeploymentCriteria criteria)
 PageList<Bundle> findBundlesByCriteria(Subject subject, BundleCriteria criteria)
 PageList<BundleWithLatestVersionComposite> findBundlesWithLatestVersionCompositesByCriteria(Subject subject, BundleCriteria criteria)
 PageList<BundleVersion> findBundleVersionsByCriteria(Subject subject, BundleVersionCriteria criteria)
 List<BundleType> getAllBundleTypes(Subject subject)
 BundleType getBundleType(Subject subject, String bundleTypeName)
 Set<String> getBundleVersionFilenames(Subject subject, int bundleVersionId, boolean withoutBundleFileOnly)
          Determine the files required for a BundleVersion and return all of the filenames or optionally, just those that lack BundleFiles for the BundleVersion.
 ResourceTypeBundleConfiguration getResourceTypeBundleConfiguration(Subject subject, int compatGroupId)
          Given the ID for a compatible group, this will return the bundle configuration metadata for that group's resource type.
 void purgeBundleDestination(Subject subject, int bundleDestinationId)
          Purges the destination's live deployment content from the remote platforms.
 BundleDeployment scheduleBundleDeployment(Subject subject, int bundleDeploymentId, boolean isCleanDeployment)
          Deploy the bundle to the destination, as described in the provided deployment.
 BundleDeployment scheduleRevertBundleDeployment(Subject subject, int bundleDestinationId, String deploymentDescription, boolean isCleanDeployment)
          For the specified destination, revert from the current live deployment to the deployment it had replaced.

Method Detail


ResourceTypeBundleConfiguration getResourceTypeBundleConfiguration(Subject subject,
                                                                   int compatGroupId)
                                                                   throws Exception
Given the ID for a compatible group, this will return the bundle configuration metadata for that group's resource type. User interfaces will need to use this method in order to find out if a) the group can be a target for a bundle deployment and/or b) what different destination base locations are supported by the group.

subject - the user making the request
compatGroupId - the ID for a compatible group whose type's bundle config is to be returned
the bundle configuration for the group's resource type


BundleFile addBundleFile(Subject subject,
                         int bundleVersionId,
                         String name,
                         String version,
                         Architecture architecture,
                         InputStream fileStream)
                         throws Exception
Adds a BundleFile to the BundleVersion and implicitly creates the backing PackageVersion. If the PackageVersion already exists use addBundleFile(Subject, int, String, int, boolean)

subject - user that must have proper permissions
bundleVersionId - id of the BundleVersion incorporating this BundleFile
name - name of the BundleFile (and the resulting Package)
version - version of the backing package
architecture - architecture appropriate for the backing package. Defaults to noarch (i.e. any architecture).
fileStream - the file bits
the new BundleFile


BundleFile addBundleFileViaByteArray(Subject subject,
                                     int bundleVersionId,
                                     String name,
                                     String version,
                                     Architecture architecture,
                                     byte[] fileBytes)
                                     throws Exception
A convenience method taking a byte array as opposed to a stream for the file bits. WARNING: obviously, this requires the entire bundle file to have been loaded fully in memory. For very large files, this could cause OutOfMemoryErrors.

See Also:
addBundleFile(Subject, int, String, String, Architecture, InputStream, boolean)}


BundleFile addBundleFileViaURL(Subject subject,
                               int bundleVersionId,
                               String name,
                               String version,
                               Architecture architecture,
                               String bundleFileUrl)
                               throws Exception
A convenience method taking a URL String whose content will be streamed to the server and used for the file bits.

See Also:
addBundleFile(Subject, int, String, String, Architecture, InputStream, boolean)}


BundleFile addBundleFileViaPackageVersion(Subject subject,
                                          int bundleVersionId,
                                          String name,
                                          int packageVersionId)
                                          throws Exception
A convenience method taking an existing PackageVersion as opposed to a stream for the file bits.

See Also:
addBundleFile(Subject, int, String, String, Architecture, InputStream, boolean)}


BundleDeployment createBundleDeployment(Subject subject,
                                        int bundleVersionId,
                                        int bundleDestinationId,
                                        String description,
                                        Configuration configuration)
                                        throws Exception
Create a new bundle deployment. Note that bundle deployment names are generated by this call. This provides useful, uniform naming for display. An optional, custom description can be added. This call defines a deployment. The defined deployment can then be scheduled in a separate call.

subject - user that must have proper permissions
bundleVersionId - the BundleVersion being deployed by this deployment
bundleDestinationId - the BundleDestination for the deployment
description - an optional longer description describing this deployment
configuration - a Configuration (pojo) to be associated with this deployment. Although it is not enforceable must be that of the associated BundleVersion.
the persisted deployment


BundleDestination createBundleDestination(Subject subject,
                                          int bundleId,
                                          String name,
                                          String description,
                                          String destBaseDirName,
                                          String deployDir,
                                          Integer groupId)
                                          throws Exception
Creates a bundle destination that describes a target for the bundle deployments.

subject - user must have MANAGE_INVENTORY permission
bundleId - the Bundle to be deployed to this Destination
name - a name for this destination. not null or empty
description - an optional longer description describing this destination
destBaseDirName - The name of the base directory location where the bundle will be deployed. deployDir is relative to the directory that this name refers to. This name isn't the directory itself, it refers to the named location as defined in the agent plugin's descriptor for the resource's type
deployDir - the root dir for deployments to this destination
groupId - the target platforms for deployments to this destination
the persisted destination


BundleVersion createBundleVersionViaRecipe(Subject subject,
                                           String recipe)
                                           throws Exception
Creates a bundle version based on single recipe string. The recipe specifies the bundle name, version, version name and version description. If this is the initial version for the named bundle the bundle will be implicitly created. The bundle type is discovered by the bundle server plugin that can parse the recipe.

subject -
recipe - the recipe that defines the bundle version to be created
the persisted BundleVersion with alot of the internal relationships filled in to help the caller understand all that this method did.


BundleVersion createBundleVersionViaFile(Subject subject,
                                         File distributionFile)
                                         throws Exception
Creates a bundle version based on a Bundle Distribution file. Typically a zip file, the bundle distribution contains the recipe for a supported bundle type, along with 0, 1 or more bundle files that will be associated with the bundle version. The recipe specifies the bundle name, version, version name and version description. If this is the initial version for the named bundle the bundle will be implicitly created. The bundle type is discovered by inspecting the distribution file.

subject -
distributionFile - a local Bundle Distribution file. It must be read accessible by the RHQ server process.
the persisted BundleVersion with alot of the internal relationships filled in to help the caller understand all that this method did. Bundle files specifically are returned.


BundleVersion createBundleVersionViaByteArray(Subject subject,
                                              byte[] fileBytes)
                                              throws Exception
Creates a bundle version based on the actual bytes of a Bundle Distribution file. This is essentially the same as createBundleVersionViaFile(Subject, File) but the caller is providing the actual bytes of the file as opposed to the file itself. WARNING: obviously, this requires the entire distribution file to have been loaded fully in memory. For very large distribution files, this could cause OutOfMemoryErrors.

subject -
fileBytes - the file bits that make up the entire bundle distribution file
the persisted BundleVersion with alot of the internal relationships filled in to help the caller understand all that this method did. Bundle files specifically are returned.


BundleVersion createBundleVersionViaURL(Subject subject,
                                        String distributionFileUrl)
                                        throws Exception
Creates a bundle version based on a Bundle Distribution file. Typically a zip file, the bundle distribution contains the recipe for a supported bundle type, along with 0, 1 or more bundle files that will be associated with the bundle version. The recipe specifies the bundle name, version, version name and version description. If this is the initial version for the named bundle the bundle will be implicitly created. The bundle type is discovered by inspecting the distribution file.

Note, if the file is local it is more efficient to use createBundleVersionViaFile(Subject,File).

subject -
distributionFileUrl - a URL String to the Bundle Distribution file. It must be live, resolvable and read accessible by the RHQ server process.
the persisted BundleVersion with alot of the internal relationships filled in to help the caller understand all that this method did. Bundle files specifically are returned.


void deleteBundles(Subject subject,
                   int[] bundleIds)
                   throws Exception
Remove everything associated with the Bundles with the exception of files laid down by related deployments. Deployed files are left as is on the deployment platforms but the bundle mechanism will no longer track the deployment of all bundles that have been deleted.

subject -
bundleIds - IDs of all bundles to be deleted
Exception - if any part of the removal fails.


void deleteBundle(Subject subject,
                  int bundleId)
                  throws Exception
Remove everything associated with the Bundle with the exception of files laid down by related deployments. Deployed files are left as is on the deployment platforms but the bundle mechanism will no longer track the deployment.

subject -
bundleId -
Exception - if any part of the removal fails.


void deleteBundleVersion(Subject subject,
                         int bundleVersionId,
                         boolean deleteBundleIfEmpty)
                         throws Exception
Remove everything associated with the BundleVersion with the exception of files laid down by related deployments. Deployed files are left as is on the deployment platforms but the bundle mechanism will no longer track the deployment.

subject -
bundleVersionId -
deleteBundleIfEmpty - if true and if this method deletes the last bundle version for its bundle, then that bundle entity itself will be completely purged
Exception - if any part of the removal fails.


PageList<Bundle> findBundlesByCriteria(Subject subject,
                                       BundleCriteria criteria)


PageList<BundleDeployment> findBundleDeploymentsByCriteria(Subject subject,
                                                           BundleDeploymentCriteria criteria)


PageList<BundleDestination> findBundleDestinationsByCriteria(Subject subject,
                                                             BundleDestinationCriteria criteria)


PageList<BundleResourceDeployment> findBundleResourceDeploymentsByCriteria(Subject subject,
                                                                           BundleResourceDeploymentCriteria criteria)


PageList<BundleFile> findBundleFilesByCriteria(Subject subject,
                                               BundleFileCriteria criteria)


PageList<BundleVersion> findBundleVersionsByCriteria(Subject subject,
                                                     BundleVersionCriteria criteria)


PageList<BundleWithLatestVersionComposite> findBundlesWithLatestVersionCompositesByCriteria(Subject subject,
                                                                                            BundleCriteria criteria)


List<BundleType> getAllBundleTypes(Subject subject)


BundleType getBundleType(Subject subject,
                         String bundleTypeName)


Set<String> getBundleVersionFilenames(Subject subject,
                                      int bundleVersionId,
                                      boolean withoutBundleFileOnly)
                                      throws Exception
Determine the files required for a BundleVersion and return all of the filenames or optionally, just those that lack BundleFiles for the BundleVersion. The recipe may be parsed as part of this call.

subject - user that must have proper permissions
bundleVersionId - the BundleVersion being queried
withoutBundleFileOnly - if true omit any filenames that already have a corresponding BundleFile for the BundleVersion.
The List of filenames.


void purgeBundleDestination(Subject subject,
                            int bundleDestinationId)
                            throws Exception
Purges the destination's live deployment content from the remote platforms.

subject - user that must have proper permissions
bundleDestinationId - the ID of the destination that is to be purged of bundle content


BundleDeployment scheduleBundleDeployment(Subject subject,
                                          int bundleDeploymentId,
                                          boolean isCleanDeployment)
                                          throws Exception
Deploy the bundle to the destination, as described in the provided deployment. Deployment is asynchronous so return of this method does not indicate individual resource deployments are complete. The returned BundleDeployment can be used to track the history of the individual deployments.

TODO: Add the scheduling capability, currently it's Immediate.

subject - user that must have proper permissions
bundleDeploymentId - the BundleDeployment being used to guide the deployments
isCleanDeployment - if true perform a wipe of the deploy directory prior to the deployment. If false perform as an upgrade to the existing deployment, if any.
the BundleDeployment record, updated with status and (resource) deployments.


BundleDeployment scheduleRevertBundleDeployment(Subject subject,
                                                int bundleDestinationId,
                                                String deploymentDescription,
                                                boolean isCleanDeployment)
                                                throws Exception
For the specified destination, revert from the current live deployment to the deployment it had replaced. A revert first rolls back to the previous deployment (bundle version and configuration) and then rolls forward by replacing changed files that had been backed up during the most recent (live) deployment. The returned BundleDeployment represents the new live deployment and can be used to track the history of the individual revert deployments. Note that bundle deployment names are generated by this call. This provides useful, uniform naming for display. An optional, custom description can be added.

TODO: Add the scheduling capability, currently it's Immediate.

subject - user that must have proper permissions
deploymentDescription - an optional longer description describing this deployment. If null defaults to the description of the previous deployment.
isCleanDeployment - if true perform a wipe of the deploy directory prior to the revert deployment. Backed up files will still be applied. If false perform as an upgrade to the existing deployment.
the BundleDeployment record, updated with status and (resource) deployments.

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