Package org.rhq.core.pluginapi.util

Class Summary
CommandLineOption The name(s) and other metadata associated with a command line option.
FileUtils A set of utilities for working with files and file paths.
JavaCommandLine Parses a java command line and provides easy access to its parts.
ProcessExecutionUtility A set of utility methods for creating ProcessExecutions.
ResponseTimeLogParser This is a very simple log parser that uses a StringTokenizer instead of a regular expression to parse a HTTP response-time log file.
SelectiveSkippingEntityResolver An XML entity resolver that skips resolution of any entities with system IDs that match a specified regular expression.
ServerStartScriptDiscoveryUtility A set of utility methods that server discovery components can use to discover the values required to later restart the server process via a start script.
SnapshotReport A common snapshot report that allows you to prepare a zip'ed file containing a snapshot of content belonging to a resource.
SnapshotReport.RegexFilenameFilter Filename filter that matches the filename if it matches a given regular expression.

Enum Summary
JavaCommandLine.OptionValueDelimiter When parsing command line options, specifies the valid option value delimiter(s).

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