Interface ResourceManagerRemote

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ResourceManagerRemote

Method Summary
 PageList<Resource> findChildResources(Subject subject, int resourceId, PageControl pageControl)
 List<Resource> findResourceLineage(Subject subject, int resourceId)
          Returns the lineage of the Resource with the specified id.
 PageList<Resource> findResourcesByCriteria(Subject subject, ResourceCriteria criteria)
 ResourceAvailability getLiveResourceAvailability(Subject subject, int resourceId)
          Returns the availability of the resource with the specified id.
 Resource getParentResource(Subject subject, int resourceId)
 Resource getResource(Subject subject, int resourceId)
          Returns the Resource with the specified id.
 Map<Integer,String> getResourcesAncestry(Subject subject, Integer[] resourceIds, ResourceAncestryFormat format)
          Resource.ancestry is an encoded value that holds the resource's parental ancestry.
 List<Integer> uninventoryResources(Subject subject, int[] resourceIds)
          Removes these resources from inventory.
 Resource updateResource(Subject subject, Resource resource)
          Update resource's editable properties (name, description, location).

Method Detail


ResourceAvailability getLiveResourceAvailability(Subject subject,
                                                 int resourceId)
Returns the availability of the resource with the specified id. This performs a live check - a resource will be considered UNKNOWN if the agent cannot be contacted for any reason.

subject - The logged in user's subject.
resourceId - the id of a Resource in inventory.
the resource availability - note that if the encapsulated availability type is null, the resource availability is UNKNOWN.
FetchException - if the resource represented by the resourceId parameter does not exist, or if the passed subject does not have permission to view this resource.


Resource getResource(Subject subject,
                     int resourceId)
Returns the Resource with the specified id.

subject - The logged in user's subject.
resourceId - the id of a Resource in inventory.
the resource
FetchException - if the resource represented by the resourceId parameter does not exist, or if the passed subject does not have permission to view this resource.


List<Resource> findResourceLineage(Subject subject,
                                   int resourceId)
Returns the lineage of the Resource with the specified id. The lineage is represented as a List of Resources, with the first item being the root of the Resource's ancestry (or the Resource itself if it is a root Resource (i.e. a platform)) and the last item being the Resource itself. Since the lineage includes the Resource itself, the returned List will always contain at least one item.

subject - The logged in user's subject.
resourceId - the id of a Resource in inventory
the lineage of the Resource with the specified id
FetchException - on any issue. Wraps ResourceNotFoundException when necessary.


Resource updateResource(Subject subject,
                        Resource resource)
Update resource's editable properties (name, description, location).

user - the logged in user
resource - the resource to update
the updated resource


List<Integer> uninventoryResources(Subject subject,
                                   int[] resourceIds)
Removes these resources from inventory. The resources may subsequently be rediscovered. Note that for each specified resource all children will also be removed, it it not necessary or recommended to specify more than one resource in the same ancestry line.

subject - The logged in user's subject.
resourceIds - The resources to uninventory.


PageList<Resource> findResourcesByCriteria(Subject subject,
                                           ResourceCriteria criteria)


PageList<Resource> findChildResources(Subject subject,
                                      int resourceId,
                                      PageControl pageControl)


Resource getParentResource(Subject subject,
                           int resourceId)


Map<Integer,String> getResourcesAncestry(Subject subject,
                                         Integer[] resourceIds,
                                         ResourceAncestryFormat format)
Resource.ancestry is an encoded value that holds the resource's parental ancestry. It is not suitable for display. This method can be used to get decoded and formatted ancestry values for a set of resources. A typical usage would a criteria resource fetch, and then a subsequent call to this method for ancestry display, potentially for resource disambiguation purposes.

subject -
resourceIds -
format -
A Map of ResourceIds to FormattedAncestryStrings, one entry for each unique, valid, resourceId passed in.

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