Package org.rhq.core.domain.resource

Class Summary
Agent A JON agent.
CreateResourceHistory Describes one request to create a new resource.
DeleteResourceHistory Describes one requests that a resource be deleted.
InventorySummary A summary of inventoried Resources and Groups that are viewable by the specified user.
ProcessScan Describes a process scan query that can be used to auto-discover resources of a particular ResourceType.
ProductVersion Used as a mapping between a resource and a package version.
Resource Represents an RHQ managed resource (i.e. a platform, server, or service).
ResourceError Represents some error that has occurred in or is associated with a Resource.
ResourceSubCategory Class representing a sub category, where a sub category is meant to group similar Resource types together.
ResourceType Defines a type of Resource (e.g. a Linux platform, a JBossAS server, or a Datasource service).
ResourceUpgradeReport Represents the changes that should be applied to the existing resource in order to upgrade it to conform to the new requirements set by the changed resource component.

Enum Summary
ClassLoaderType Resource types define special classloading rules needed when their corresponding resource components are running in the plugin container.
CreateDeletePolicy Indicates whether or not resource of a particular type can be created and/or deleted by the user.
CreateResourceStatus Status indicators for a create resource request made to a plugin.
DeleteResourceStatus Status indicators for a delete resource request made to a plugin.
InventoryStatus Represents a resource's current inventory status.
ResourceAncestryFormat Used to request the desired diplay format for resource ancestry.
ResourceCategory An individual resource category.
ResourceCreationDataType Indicates what data is required when creating a new resource.
ResourceErrorType Provides the types of errors that can be associated with a Resource.
ResourceTypeFacet A facet of a ResourceType.

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