Package org.rhq.core.domain.resource.flyweight

Class Summary
AutoGroupCompositeFlyweight This class is mostly a copy of AutoGroupComposite but is linked together with ResourceFlyweight, ResourceTypeFlyweight and ResourceSubCategoryFlyweight instances as opposed to their fully featured counterparts which is what makes this class flyweight.
FlyweightCache A helper object to hold the cached instances of the flyweights.
ResourceAvailabilityFlyweight This is basically a copy of ResourceAvailability class, but is linked to the ResourceFlyweight instead of Resource.
ResourceFlyweight Contains only a minimal subset of properties of a Resource that are needed for display purposes.
ResourceSubCategoryFlyweight Flyweight representation of a resource sub category.
ResourceTypeFlyweight A flyweight representation of the resource type intended for the display purposes.

Enum Summary
MembersAvailabilityHint Hints about the availability of resources in an AutoGroupCompositeFlyweight.
MembersCategoryHint Hints about the category of resources contained in a AutoGroupCompositeFlyweight.

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