Package org.rhq.core.domain.drift

Interface Summary
Drift<C extends DriftChangeSet<?>,F extends DriftFile> To support pluggable drift server implementations this Interface provides the contract required for defining and persisting each Drift entry in a DriftChangeSet.
DriftChangeSet<D extends Drift<?,?>> A DriftChangeSet is somewhat similar to a commit in version control systems.

Class Summary
AbstractJPADriftFile A JPADriftFile represents one unique piece of content used for drift tracking.
DriftConfigurationDefinition The drift subsystem has a fixed configuration definition.
DriftDefinition This is a convienence wrapper around a Configuration object whose schema is that of DriftConfigurationDefinition.
DriftDefinitionComparator Compares two DriftDefinition objects.
DriftDefinitionComposite A composite that returns a drift definition and supplemental information about it.
DriftDefinitionTemplate A drift definition template (or drift template for short) is a drift definition that applies at the type level like an alert template.
DriftDetails Encapsulates information and details about drift that can be used in the UI.
DriftSnapshot A representation of an agent's drift file monitoring.
DriftSnapshotRequest An immutable class used to specify the characteristics of a requested DriftSnapshot.
FileDiffReport This is a data structure that encapsulates a file diff and is suitable for use in the GWT UI as well as in remote clients.
JPADrift The JPA Drift Server plugin (the RHQ default) implementation of Drift.
JPADriftChangeSet The JPA Drift Server plugin (the RHQ default) implementation of DriftChangeSet.
JPADriftFile The JPA Drift Server plugin (the RHQ default) implementation of DriftFile.
JPADriftFileBits A JPADriftFile represents one unique piece of content used for drift tracking.

Enum Summary
DriftCategory The type of drift being reported.
DriftChangeSetCategory Type of change set report.
DriftConfigurationDefinition.BaseDirValueContext The basedir property is specified in two parts - a "context" and a "name".
DriftConfigurationDefinition.DriftHandlingMode The enumerated values for drift handling mode property
DriftFileStatus Simple statuses for drift file fetch status.

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