Class AbstractConfigurationUpdate

  extended by org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.AbstractConfigurationUpdate
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractGroupConfigurationUpdate, AbstractResourceConfigurationUpdate

public abstract class AbstractConfigurationUpdate
extends Object
implements Serializable

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  Configuration configuration
protected  long createdTime
protected  String errorMessage
protected  long modifiedTime
protected  ConfigurationUpdateStatus status
protected  String subjectName
Constructor Summary
protected AbstractConfigurationUpdate()
protected AbstractConfigurationUpdate(String subjectName)
Method Summary
protected  void appendToStringInternals(StringBuilder str)
          Subclasses can override this to add things it wants to see in the toString.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
 Configuration getConfiguration()
          Contains the entire configuration that was submitted as the new configuration for a resource.
 long getCreatedTime()
          The time this entity was originally created; in other words, when the request was originally made.
 long getDuration()
          The duration of the configuration update request which simply is the difference between the getCreatedTime() and the getModifiedTime().
 String getErrorMessage()
          If not null, this is an error message (possibly a full stack trace) to indicate the overall error that occurred when the configuration update failed.
 long getModifiedTime()
          The time this entity was last modified.
 ConfigurationUpdateStatus getStatus()
          The status of the request which indicates that the request is either still in progress, or it has completed and either succeeded or failed.
 String getSubjectName()
          For auditing purposes, this method tells you the username of the person that created the request.
 int hashCode()
 void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration)
 void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage)
          Calling this method with a non-null error message implies that the request's status is ConfigurationUpdateStatus.FAILURE.
 void setStatus(ConfigurationUpdateStatus status)
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Configuration configuration


protected ConfigurationUpdateStatus status


protected String errorMessage


protected String subjectName


protected long createdTime


protected long modifiedTime
Constructor Detail


protected AbstractConfigurationUpdate()


protected AbstractConfigurationUpdate(String subjectName)
Method Detail


public Configuration getConfiguration()
Contains the entire configuration that was submitted as the new configuration for a resource. If the update request failed, this configuration will contain properties whose error messages are non-null - this can be used to find out which properties were invalid and why.

the new configuration for the updated resource


public void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration)


public ConfigurationUpdateStatus getStatus()
The status of the request which indicates that the request is either still in progress, or it has completed and either succeeded or failed.

the request status


public void setStatus(ConfigurationUpdateStatus status)


public String getErrorMessage()
If not null, this is an error message (possibly a full stack trace) to indicate the overall error that occurred when the configuration update failed. This will normally be null unless the status indicates a ConfigurationUpdateStatus.FAILURE.

If the update failed because one or more configuration property values were invalid, then you can also examine the error messages in each of the failed properties to find out more specific details about the errors for each invalid property.

overall error that occurred


public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage)
Calling this method with a non-null error message implies that the request's status is ConfigurationUpdateStatus.FAILURE. The inverse is not true - that is, if you set the error message to null, the status is left as-is; it will not assume that a null error message means the status is successful.

errorMessage -


public String getSubjectName()
For auditing purposes, this method tells you the username of the person that created the request. This is not a relationship to an actual Subject because we want to maintain the audit trail, even if a Subject has been deleted from the database.

If the configuration update was automatically detected by the plugin (that is, was not initiated by a JBoss ON user; for example, someone modified a configuration file on disk), this will return null as an indication that we don't know who modified it

the actual name string of the submitter of the request


public long getCreatedTime()
The time this entity was originally created; in other words, when the request was originally made.

creation time


public long getModifiedTime()
The time this entity was last modified. This is the last time the status was updated. If the status has never been updated, this will be the created time.

last modified time


public long getDuration()
The duration of the configuration update request which simply is the difference between the getCreatedTime() and the getModifiedTime(). If the request hasn't completed yet, this will be the difference between the current time and the created time.

the duration of time that the request took or is taking to complete


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public boolean equals(Object obj)
equals in class Object


public String toString()
toString in class Object


protected void appendToStringInternals(StringBuilder str)
Subclasses can override this to add things it wants to see in the toString.

str - the builder to append strings to

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